Individual Therapy

Individual Therapy (also known as counseling, psychotherapy, psychological treatment) is a process of one-on-one sessions in which you work towards your desired goals or changes. Those changes might be it in personal insight, a reduction of anxiety or depression symptoms, improvements in coping, health, mental wellness, or making or adapting to life changes. Individual therapy is a place and time that is objective, thoughtful, supportive and confidential.

People seek our help for a wide variety of issues, including life issues, bereavement, relationship conflicts, parenting, home-life balance, stress management, etc. Some people are also seeking help for a mental health disorder such as depression or an anxiety disorder such as health anxiety, social phobia, obsessive compulsive disorder, etc.

You may want to meet for just a few sessions to help work on a specific problem or area, or you may want more structured treatment sessions for recovery from a mental health difficulty such as depression. Some people continue to see their psychologist from time to time as issues arise. If your coverage or finances are limited, we do our best to structure your therapy within that budget, often using other resources or supports to supplement individual therapy.

To start the process of individual therapy, contact us with your questions, and book an initial consultation with us. We will do our best to ensure a “best match” with a therapist. And if you do not feel that is the case at the end of your first session or two – we are dedicated to helping you find that, whether it is with our practice or elsewhere.

It begins with booking a consultation.

It begins with a consultation

If you are looking for help, booking a consultation is the first step in finding the change, answer, or assistance you are looking for.

Contact us today to book your consultation. Complete the form below and we will be in touch, or call us today at (289) 763-7076.

Consultation Contact Request